Logo of the Atomic Weights Commission Logo of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry


    IsotopeAtomic mass (Da)Isotopic abundance (amount fraction)
    102Pd 101.905 632(4)0.0102(1)
    104Pd 103.904 030(9)0.1114(8)
    105Pd 104.905 079(8)0.2233(8)
    106Pd 105.903 480(8)0.2733(3)
    108Pd 107.903 892(8)0.2646(9)
    110Pd 109.905 173(5)0.1172(9)

    In 1969, the Commission recommended the standard atomic weight of Pd to be Ar(Pd) = 106.4(1) which gave palladium the least precisely tabulated atomic weight at that time. A decade later, using new mass-spectrometric measurements and evidence of lack of significant natural variations, the Commission recommended Ar = 106.42(1).

    The "g" annotation arises from the presence of naturally occurring fission products found in fossil reactors at Gabon, south-west Africa.

    SOURCE  Atomic weights of the elements: Review 2000 by John R de Laeter et al. Pure Appl. Chem. 2003 (75) 683-800
    © IUPAC 2003


    Ar(Pd) = 106.42(1) since 1979

    The name derives from the second largest asteroid of the solar system Pallas (named after the goddess of wisdom and arts—Pallas Athene). The element was discovered by the English chemist and physicist William Hyde Wollaston in 1803, one year after the discovery of Pallas by the German astronomer Wilhelm Olbers in 1802. The discovery was originally published anonymously by Wollaston to obtain priority, while not disclosing any details about his preparation.