Logo of the Atomic Weights Commission Logo of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

    Abridged Standard Atomic Weights

    The Commission does acknowledge that the full Table of Standard Atomic Weights might provide too many details. Abridged standard atomic weights are quoted to five significant figures unless such precision cannot be attained due to the variability of isotopic composition in normal materials or due to the limitations of the measurement capability.

    Abridged Standard Atomic Weights 2021

    Z Symbol Element Abridged Standard Atomic Weight Notes
    1Hhydrogen  1.0080 ± 0.0002m
    2Hehelium  4.0026 ± 0.0001g r
    3Lilithium  6.94 ± 0.06m
    4Beberyllium  9.0122 ± 0.0001
    5Bboron 10.81 ± 0.02m
    6Ccarbon 12.011 ± 0.002
    7Nnitrogen 14.007 ± 0.001m
    8Ooxygen 15.999 ± 0.001m
    9Ffluorine 18.998 ± 0.001
    10Neneon 20.180 ± 0.001g m
    11Nasodium 22.990 ± 0.001
    12Mgmagnesium 24.305 ± 0.002
    13Alaluminium 26.982 ± 0.001
    14Sisilicon 28.085 ± 0.001
    15Pphosphorus 30.974 ± 0.001
    16Ssulfur 32.06 ± 0.02
    17Clchlorine 35.45 ± 0.01m
    18Arargon 39.95 ± 0.16
    19Kpotassium 39.098 ± 0.001
    20Cacalcium 40.078 ± 0.004g
    21Scscandium 44.956 ± 0.001
    22Tititanium 47.867 ± 0.001
    23Vvanadium 50.942 ± 0.001
    24Crchromium 51.996 ± 0.001
    25Mnmanganese 54.938 ± 0.001
    26Feiron 55.845 ± 0.002
    27Cocobalt 58.933 ± 0.001
    28Ninickel 58.693 ± 0.001r
    29Cucopper 63.546 ± 0.003r
    30Znzinc 65.38 ± 0.02r
    31Gagallium 69.723 ± 0.001
    32Gegermanium 72.630 ± 0.008
    33Asarsenic 74.922 ± 0.001
    34Seselenium 78.971 ± 0.008r
    35Brbromine 79.904 ± 0.003
    36Krkrypton 83.798 ± 0.002g m
    37Rbrubidium 85.468 ± 0.001g
    38Srstrontium 87.62 ± 0.01g r
    39Yyttrium 88.906 ± 0.001
    40Zrzirconium 91.224 ± 0.002g
    41Nbniobium 92.906 ± 0.001
    42Momolybdenum 95.95 ± 0.01g
    43Tctechnetium —
    44Ruruthenium101.07 ± 0.02g
    45Rhrhodium102.91 ± 0.01
    46Pdpalladium106.42 ± 0.01g
    47Agsilver107.87 ± 0.01g
    48Cdcadmium112.41 ± 0.01g
    49Inindium114.82 ± 0.01
    50Sntin118.71 ± 0.01g
    51Sbantimony121.76 ± 0.01g
    52Tetellurium127.60 ± 0.03g
    53Iiodine126.90 ± 0.01
    54Xexenon131.29 ± 0.01g m
    55Cscaesium132.91 ± 0.01
    56Babarium137.33 ± 0.01
    57Lalanthanum138.91 ± 0.01g
    58Cecerium140.12 ± 0.01g
    59Prpraseodymium140.91 ± 0.01
    60Ndneodymium144.24 ± 0.01g
    61Pmpromethium —
    62Smsamarium150.36 ± 0.02g
    63Eueuropium151.96 ± 0.01g
    64Gdgadolinium157.25 ± 0.03g
    65Tbterbium158.93 ± 0.01
    66Dydysprosium162.50 ± 0.01g
    67Hoholmium164.93 ± 0.01
    68Ererbium167.26 ± 0.01g
    69Tmthulium168.93 ± 0.01
    70Ybytterbium173.05 ± 0.02g
    71Lulutetium174.97 ± 0.01g
    72Hfhafnium178.49 ± 0.01
    73Tatantalum180.95 ± 0.01
    74Wtungsten183.84 ± 0.01
    75Rerhenium186.21 ± 0.01
    76Ososmium190.23 ± 0.03g
    77Iriridium192.22 ± 0.01
    78Ptplatinum195.08 ± 0.02
    79Augold196.97 ± 0.01
    80Hgmercury200.59 ± 0.01
    81Tlthallium204.38 ± 0.01
    82Pblead207.2 ± 1.1
    83Bibismuth208.98 ± 0.01
    84Popolonium —
    85Atastatine —
    86Rnradon —
    87Frfrancium —
    88Raradium —
    89Acactinium —
    90Ththorium232.04 ± 0.01g
    91Paprotactinium231.04 ± 0.01
    92Uuranium238.03 ± 0.01g m
    93Npneptunium —
    94Puplutonium —
    95Amamericium —
    96Cmcurium —
    97Bkberkelium —
    98Cfcalifornium —
    99Eseinsteinium —
    100Fmfermium —
    101Mdmendelevium —
    102Nonobelium —
    103Lrlawrencium —
    104Rfrutherfordium —
    105Dbdubnium —
    106Sgseaborgium —
    107Bhbohrium —
    108Hshassium —
    109Mtmeitnerium —
    110Dsdarmstadtium —
    111Rgroentgenium  —
    112Cncopernicium —
    113Nhnihonium —
    114Flflerovium —
    115Mcmoscovium —
    116Lvlivermorium —
    117Tstennessine —
    118Ogoganesson —
    Z Symbol Element Abridged Standard Atomic Weight Notes

    Footnotes      Back to Top
    Geological materials are known in which the element has an isotopic composition outside the limits for normal material. The difference between the atomic weight of the element in such materials and that given in the table may exceed the stated uncertainty.
    Modified isotopic compositions may be found in commercially available material because the material has been subjected to an undisclosed or inadvertent isotopic fractionation. Substantial deviations in atomic weight of the element from that given in the table can occur.
    Range in isotopic composition of normal terrestrial material prevents a more precise standard atomic weight being given; the tabulated atomic-weight value and uncertainty should be applicable to normal materials.


    The most recent Standard Atomic Weights are presented in this Table and they are based on the "Atomic Weights 2021" report.

    In 2013, the Commission recommended that standard atomic weights are best abridged to five digits.